But Arcade Gannon is morally and ideologically opposed to Caesar, which makes that choice frankly insane. Aileen has a BS in Radio-TV-Film from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. And I always choose the … If Arcade asks you about whether he should stay in freeside or fight when you leave the bunker, and your dialogue responses aren't available, it's probably because two requirement variables weren't set by the quest properly. His father died while Arcade was still an infant, killed in combat on an away mission to this day, the specifics of his father's death are unknown to him. Learn to play Auld Lang Syne (piano in C) made famous by … If the player convinces the Remnants to fight for Caesar, however, or travels to the Legate's Camp to start the assault on Hoover Dam, Arcade will quit. Even when approaching the Remnants Bunker, he will not activate the quest. Companions: ED-E and Craig Boone OR Arcade Gannon. Arcade will ask you if he should help fight in the battle. He tells you that the situation right now could be better, but that he wants an independent new vegas, meaning no NCR, no Mr. If you talked Moreno out of a fight return to the bunker and you’ll get Whitman’s Remnants Power Armor, as she’ll be staying in the Vertibird. Lacking any other skilled medical personnel, the Legion was unable to prevent his death.

Completing “ High Times ” should also be enough. Arcade Gannon and Rory Wood follow a mysterious radio signal to the broadcasting station in Night Vale. If you convinced him to fight in the battle, then he should be back in the bunker. Through some dialogue, you can get him to be your companion.

As soon as I get the silver shroud costume, I put it on and wear it the rest of the game. The Gannon family Tesla armor is a piece of armor in Fallout: New Vegas.It was worn by Mark Gannon before his death.

And we came up against some cazadores and he took them out so he is doing decent so far.